Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Project three progress

Hey folks, here I've got a little progress on my project - the amount of information might make this a bit long so i'm trying to figure out how long between each transition i'll need in order to make it nice as well as figure out some sort of script for it. Perhaps starting with a script could be better so once I get that nailed down i'll have to animate the script 



  1. I think that this is workin really well so far. I really like how clean an connected the two parts are. But I agree if you are looking to put a script behind it, that would be easier to do first.

  2. Super clean transition from the globe to the wind turbines. I also really like the spinning Earth animation. Only thing I would suggest is easy easing as much as you can (like the windmills when they move on screen).

    1. Great suggestion! I hadn't thought of that earlier so adjusting the curves could make it much smoother. Thats a great point


Endless Cycle - Final