Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Henry Rollins Motion Graphic - Kinetic Type

 Hello everyone! I decided to do this quote by the great Henry Rollins. So far all I have is the finished audio as well as synched up type to the audio. I would like to go back change the font and the way that its positioned. I was also thinking of adding small spot illustrations towards the end where he starts naming things you survive off of, I think that would be fun and break up the monotony of the text. Also adding transitions between each sentence. 


  1. I really like the audio that you chose, as well as the music in the background. I think that the two fit together nicely. You type is synced very well the the sound. I also am really excited to see what you plan to do with the illustrations that you mentioned at the end! I think that could add a lot to the piece.

  2. Audio works great! The text and transitions are also very clean and well organized.

  3. Yours is turning out excellent already! I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the black text and white background, as well as the font you chose, give me a very academic feeling that matches the clip you chose. I like how it's turning out!

  4. I really like how this is turning out so far. I really like the emphasis on certain words in the quote and how you are making the spectator focus on these more than the entire quote.


Endless Cycle - Final