Monday, August 31, 2020

Round two

 So, i've started to edit the type to my liking, adding subtle little line illustrations as well. I'm going to continue with the type and then add animations to the type and transitions between the words

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Henry Rollins Motion Graphic - Kinetic Type

 Hello everyone! I decided to do this quote by the great Henry Rollins. So far all I have is the finished audio as well as synched up type to the audio. I would like to go back change the font and the way that its positioned. I was also thinking of adding small spot illustrations towards the end where he starts naming things you survive off of, I think that would be fun and break up the monotony of the text. Also adding transitions between each sentence. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Test post

 Hello everyone! this is a test post to make sure this works! thanks!

Endless Cycle - Final