Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Project three progress

Hey folks, here I've got a little progress on my project - the amount of information might make this a bit long so i'm trying to figure out how long between each transition i'll need in order to make it nice as well as figure out some sort of script for it. Perhaps starting with a script could be better so once I get that nailed down i'll have to animate the script 


Monday, September 28, 2020


Here is my storyboard for project three - it'll start with a simple title slide relating to green energy and then transition into smog being blown out by a factory - it'll zoom out of the factory and into the earth where the globe is spinning but shrouded in smog in space - the smog will lift up from the earth and will zoom into the earth to reveal windmills pushing air around it and creating electricity - a bar graph will be masked over the windmill and will create a sense of emphasis. I will also possibly add solar panels and the sun later on in the video time permitting. 


Tutorial p.3


Hey all, I was having some technical difficulties loading this to youtube my computer really didn't want to but after several hours I guess it had been enough. So I'll be overlaying a mask and a bar chart over this area to feed information about green energy to the viewer. The idea of illustration will come through and i'll be using a spherical orb to represent earth (that'll make a little more sense with my next post)

Hope you are all well.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


For my tutorial I chose to create a morphing triangle. I see this working out in project by having the different Adobe icons morphing from one to another. Or perhaps having icons of things I work with frequently changing back and forth from one another. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Final Moving Type

 For the very first thing I learned how to do in After Effects... not bad! I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out for the most part. I would go back and change a couple of things if I had some extra time but I enjoy it for now. This project was a great exercise for learning the fundamentals of after-effects and how certain parts of the program work.

Endless Cycle - Final